Diving Shanghai Club
Founded in 2020 during the quarantine by enthusiastic divers, we provide dive and nature related communityexperience.
Diving Shanghai is a project of us besides our main work: We love to share our passion with diving & nature.
We organize for our community dive trips, dive workshops, discover diving, environmental excursions, beach cleanups and cultural exchange as well as dive related lectures.
Due to the international exposure in this glocal city, we think, act and feel as an international crosscultural dive community in Shanghai. As a young club we are still developing our portfolio we offer and develop together with our diver-friends and members.
Everyone who is interested in nature and water relatedactivities can join our Diving Shanghai for free.
We run several dive related workshops for newbies and oldies and our feedback we received have been throughout positive. So far we are running our dive events at Diving Palace in the north of Shanghai. There we have access to a 6 meter pool, equipment and classrooms.
We run for all ages dive events - kids and grown up. In 2021 we organized 2 international diving summercamps at two different locations in Shanghai.
In 2020 we did our first divetrip with foreighners and locals in Westchina. We are looking forward to run some more dive trips in China and if possible - abroad. But sofar - we have to wait!
If you love diving - or would love to know more about it - feel free to contact us! Scan the QR code below and ask whatever you like and discover other dive related topics on our Wechat site! Se you soon!